  1. M.D. (NTU)
  2. M.R.C.P. (UK)
language proficiency
  1. English
  2. Mandarin
  3. Malay
clinical experience & skills
  1. General Medicine
  2. Acute General Medicine for ward patients
  3. Diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopies which includes upper & lower gastrointestinal tract endoscopies and also bronchosopy
special areas of interest
  1. Cardiovascular diseases
  2. Gastrointestinal diseases
  3. Nephrology
  4. Hepatology
  5. Bone disorders
position in professional bodies
  1. Malaysian Society of Gastroenterologists and Hepatologists since 2000
  2. East Malaysia representative of Malaysian Liver Foundation since 2002
  3. Member of the Malaysian Medical Association
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